Policy Manager FAQs for General Users

These FAQs are for general users accessing Emory University policies in the Policy Manager system.

Accessing Policy Manager

Q. How do I access the Emory University Policy Manager System?

A. You can access Policy Manager by going to https://emory.ellucid.com/ or by going to www.policies.emory.edu and clicking the “Emory University Policies” link.

You must log into Policy Manager using your Emory netID and password.

If you do not have an Emory netID and password, email eupolicies@emory.edu for assistance.

Finding and Accessing Policies

Q. How are policies organized in the new system?

A. At the highest level, policies are organized by “facility.” There are facilities for Emory University, Emory Healthcare, and Emory Enterprise in Policy Manager, and your access to a facility depends on your employment status (i.e., whether your work for the university, Emory Healthcare, or both). Policies in the Emory Enterprise folder apply to both Emory University and Emory Healthcare, so both university and health care employees have access to these policies.

Within each facility are manuals, which contain the policies. In the Emory University facility, the manuals are organized by area. For example, there are manuals for Administration, Communications and Public Affairs, Finance, Gifts and Charitable Donations, Human Resources, Library and information Technology, Research, Students, and Provost and Academic Affairs. Policies were organized by these same areas on the old Emory Policies website.

Q. How do I find a specific policy?

A. If you know the manual in which the specific policy is located, you can navigate to the policy by using the “Browse Manuals” function. If you do not know the manual in which the policy is located, you can perform a basic search by policy number (e.g., Policy 8.2) or keyword, or you can use the advanced search functions in Policy Manager.

For more information about finding policies within Policy Manager, please see the Emory Policy Manager Quick Reference Guides on the Emory Policies website.

Q. Why am I being prompted to download a policy document? Shouldn’t I be able to view it in Policy Manager?

A. This is probably due to your internet browser settings. Please ensure your browser is configured to open and display PDF documents. If this does not work, you can download and save the document to a convenient location on your computer and then open it in a PDF viewer. Please note that policies are revised from time to time, so you should not assume a saved copy of a policy is the most up-to-date version.

Additional Support

Q. If I have any questions about Policy Manager, where should I seek help?

A. If you are unable to find an answer to your question here, please check the Help Center in the Policy Manager system. You can access the Help Center by logging into https://emory.ellucid.com/ and clicking on the help button at the top right of the screen. The Policy Manager system also has a chat function and a toll-free line (800.538.6264) through which you can get help from the vendor. There are also basic Emory Policy Manager Quick Reference Guides on the Emory Policies website.

Q. What if I have questions about a particular policy?

A. Most policies contain contact information at the bottom. If you have questions about the content of a particular policy, please be in touch with the person/office listed in the policy. Do not contact the vendor or IT Support with content questions.

Q. What if I have questions about creating new policies or revising existing ones?

A. Please email eupolicies@emory.edu.

Q. Is there a template for new policies?

A. Yes. If you are creating a new policy, please make sure to use this policy template.